A storm is coming in my world & in the "REAL" world too.
Storm in my world cause everything is going to go chaotic after the Raya holidays.
Lecturers are gonna go super fast to cover the entire HEAVY syllabus and soon after that will be MOCK EXAM. (The Battle of Helms Deep)
If you can't cope, you are in DEEP S*#T !
but hey, that's ACCA.
You can't just pass with brains, you need 100% put in your effort & study like mad. Well thats what one of my lecturers told me.
But I prefer the recipe in Remember The Name by Fort Minor :-
10% luck
20% skill
15% concentrated power of will
5% pleasure
50% pain
100% REASON TO REMEMBER THE NAME* (in this case the theory)
Things aren't looking to good in the REAL world too.
Massive floods, land slides, forest fires, Two asteroids to pass between Earth and the moon's orbit.
Mmm....I wonder if 2012 is really going to be Judgment Day ?
Whatever it maybe I think all of us will make it through eventually.
I would like to quote the Archangel Michael in a movie called Legion
"When God chose your kind as the object of His love, I was the first in all of heaven to bow down before you. My love, my hope for mankind was no less than His. But I have watched you trample that gift. I have watched you kill each other over race and greed... waging war over dust and rubble and the words in old books. And yet, in the midst of all this darkness, I see some people who will not be bowed. I see some people who will not give up, even when they know all hope is lost."