Monday, March 21, 2011

Tragedy After Tragedy

I am not a believer in the END OF THE WORLD in 2012.

However, the scale of the number of tragedy taking place around the World is very unexpected, shocking and devastating. It might point to THE END but I still do not believe.

There was a major earthquake in Christchurch, New Zealand then Japan was struck.

A 9.0-magnitude earthquake and a subsequent tsunami struck the coast of Japan affecting the region Sendai.

As if that was not enough, a nuclear crisis due to equipment failures and releases of radioactive materials at the Fukushima I Nuclear Power Plant took place from March 11.

The Japanese Authorities have been struggling to contain the partial meltdown ever since.

No much info was disclosed to the public. Oh yes, another cover-up attempt I guess to prevent WIDE SPREAD PANIC and stock markets from plunging further.

Governments do not get it I guess, " YOU CANNOT COVER UP NUCLEAR ACCIDENTS " !
The Soviet Union tried to do the same with Chernobyl but no one fell for that crap.

In simple terms trying to cover up a nuclear accident is like trying to tell people you did not S*!t in your pants when in fact you did !

People are going to see stuff and smell stuff ! , so PLEASE do not try to BS.
Honesty is the BEST policy.
People got their rights to know the truth and protect themselves from any dangers that will arise.

I hope they can resolve this problem ASAP, after all it is only a partial meltdown. (I hope)

Whatever it maybe, Japan will recover thanks to their enduring spirit and help from all other countries in the world. We will support you all the way through !

Go Japan !!!

Then Libya in on the verge of its own tragedy.

At 16:00 GMT 19 March 2011, the Coalition Forces launched air and missile strikes on Libya destroying Libyan tanks and buildings.

Wait a go, the US has started another war in the Middle East !
What is their problem, 1st Afghanistan , 2nd Iraq and now Libya ?!
They should have just left it to the Arab League.

Its obvious, somebody wants the Oil to continue flowing and prices to become stable.
Obama said they will not deploy any troops but I don't think so.

That is what they did in Iraq, they 1st carried out air and missile strikes.
That did not work, so that lead to a full scale infantry and armor column invasion.

Gadaffi is not going to give up without a fight.
Innocent people are going to die due to indiscriminate bombings.
It might end up like Iraq, sad but true.

US should mind their own business.
There are going to be more negative implications for the US.
More hatred and yes, maybe terrorist attacks.

They should have coordinated a Black Ops operation with Mossad and the Libyan rebels to get rid of Gadaffi and his top command PERMANENTLY.

The bombings is just going to turn this into a bloody conflict which will last for years.

God Bless America, indeed !

Monday, March 7, 2011

Reflecting the Past and Present

Mmm....quite some time since I last blogged.

Bogged down by exam and sickness, but I am back !

Many things took place.

Exam results came out for my ACCA exam, thank God and myself I passed the 2 papers.

Following that, was the commencement of internal PROGRESS TEST in college.

ACCA is a 100% external exam but where I am studying in, Sunway TES in Sunway University, there are 3 internal tests ( 2 Progress Test + 1 Mock Exam).

Sunway TES is one of the only ACCA tuition provider in Asia with a Platinum status,
so to maintain it there are these internal tests.

No student really likes it but it keeps you on your toes, always studying so that you can get through the Final Exam. Hence, it is a win-win situation for the college and the students.

Everyone (students & lecturers) give a damn about these internal tests but my P2 lecturer was not one of them.

She said it was the light at the end of the tunnel that matters, not the path to it.
You should focus on acing the real final exam. Do not worry, 99% of the class will fail the internal tests but more than 50% will make it for the final exam.

I could not disagree. We should look at in the long term as it is only the FINAL OUTCOME which matters.

The f@#$ed part is that I fell sick in the week following the freaking test,
so I had only 1 freaking day to study for the damn test.

I don't really enjoy fu@#ing up any paper and for every exam I follow the Spartan Law. NO RETREAT, NO SURRENDER for DEATH in the battlefield is the greatest GLORY to achieve.

I held to my principle and sat for the test although unprepared but I did my best.
I could care less about the results because only the Final Exam counts.

That is it with my life.

What happen to the World during that span of time ?

Mass protest, demonstrations and confrontation took place in Libya against Muamar Gadddafi's 42 year rule.

Why wait 40 years, they should have got rid of that corrupt fellow after 30 years.

Due to the Libyan uprising, petrol price reached its highest during this period to $106 per barrel ( if I am not mistaken ).

By the way, Libya is the country in Africa which has the largest oil reserve, so it will not be surprising if Uncle Sam steps in.

Then, a major 7.1 magnitude earthquake took place in Christchurch, New Zealand.
I feel sorry for all those who were involved.

The earthquake was a sign. A sign of The End, maybe.
In the Book of Relavation, it is said when the sixth of the seven seals is broken, a devastating earthquake occurs, causing massive upheaval and terrible devastation—along with unusual astronomical phenomena.

Any unusual astronomical phenomena this year ?

I went to and came across this article.

Title :- NASA scientist finds evidence of alien life.

Stuff from article Aliens exist, and we have proof.

That astonishingly awesome claim comes from Dr. Richard B. Hoover, an astrobiologist at NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center, who says he has found conclusive evidence of alien life — fossils of bacteria found in an extremely rare class of meteorite called CI1 carbonaceous chondrites.

For me, Aliens = unusual astronomical phenomena but hey, who am I to say it is a sign of THE END OF THE DAYS.

In fact, I had enough of the 2012 rubbish. Every time someone says there will be a DOOMSDAY, it does NOT happen.

Hence, it will NOT happen ! Stop the freaking speculation !
If the End of Days is true then just let it take place.
You cannot deny the inevitable, so enjoy every moment you have.

That is it for World issues.

What happen in Malaysia ?

Mmm... 2 by-elections took place. One in the district of Kerdau in the state of Pahang and another in the district of Merlimau in the state of Melaka.

Both were won in a landslide victory by the ruling political party, Barisan Nasional aka the National Front.

The opposition, PAS (Pan-Malaysian Islamic Party) did not get the majority votes thanks to their "brilliant" move of scarring the non-muslim voters by proposing a ban on gambling activities.

Those PAS guys have to practice some tolerance to other religions and rights of other people.

In simple words, they have to chill out, stop protesting against Valentine's Day and other nonsense.

WOW, that is quite an amount of events taken place.

If you have been "gone" for sometime, you could be quite surprised by the events that have taken place while you were "gone".

Ain't it ?