However, the scale of the number of tragedy taking place around the World is very unexpected, shocking and devastating. It might point to THE END but I still do not believe.
There was a major earthquake in Christchurch, New Zealand then Japan was struck.

A 9.0-magnitude earthquake and a subsequent tsunami struck the coast of Japan affecting the region Sendai.
As if that was not enough, a nuclear crisis due to equipment failures and releases of radioactive materials at the Fukushima I Nuclear Power Plant took place from March 11.

The Japanese Authorities have been struggling to contain the partial meltdown ever since.
No much info was disclosed to the public. Oh yes, another cover-up attempt I guess to prevent WIDE SPREAD PANIC and stock markets from plunging further.
Governments do not get it I guess, " YOU CANNOT COVER UP NUCLEAR ACCIDENTS " !
The Soviet Union tried to do the same with Chernobyl but no one fell for that crap.
In simple terms trying to cover up a nuclear accident is like trying to tell people you did not S*!t in your pants when in fact you did !

People are going to see stuff and smell stuff ! , so PLEASE do not try to BS.
Honesty is the BEST policy.
People got their rights to know the truth and protect themselves from any dangers that will arise.
I hope they can resolve this problem ASAP, after all it is only a partial meltdown. (I hope)
Whatever it maybe, Japan will recover thanks to their enduring spirit and help from all other countries in the world. We will support you all the way through !
Go Japan !!!
Then Libya in on the verge of its own tragedy.

At 16:00 GMT 19 March 2011, the Coalition Forces launched air and missile strikes on Libya destroying Libyan tanks and buildings.

Wait a go, the US has started another war in the Middle East !
What is their problem, 1st Afghanistan , 2nd Iraq and now Libya ?!
They should have just left it to the Arab League.
Its obvious, somebody wants the Oil to continue flowing and prices to become stable.
Obama said they will not deploy any troops but I don't think so.
That is what they did in Iraq, they 1st carried out air and missile strikes.
That did not work, so that lead to a full scale infantry and armor column invasion.

Gadaffi is not going to give up without a fight.
Innocent people are going to die due to indiscriminate bombings.
It might end up like Iraq, sad but true.
US should mind their own business.
There are going to be more negative implications for the US.
More hatred and yes, maybe terrorist attacks.
They should have coordinated a Black Ops operation with Mossad and the Libyan rebels to get rid of Gadaffi and his top command PERMANENTLY.
The bombings is just going to turn this into a bloody conflict which will last for years.
God Bless America, indeed !

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