First Australia was hit by floods. I never quite heard of floods in Australia.
I thought Australia had water shortage problems and droughts.
After Australia was Malaysia.

Floods are a common thing in Malaysia during the monsoon.
However, something was new.
Floods usually take place in November and December but this time late January.
Mostly, only 3 states will face MAJOR floods i.e. Kelantan, Terengganu & Johor.

This time 2 more states were badly affected i.e. Pahang & Melaka.
I was in Melaka during the final week.
Melaka is technically a dry state, it never rains continuously for days &
sometimes rains only once per week.
However in the final week of January, it rained continuously for 4 days.
I got to admit without the Sun, the atmosphere was quite depressing.
You don't feel like going out, no mood to do physically active stuff & so on.
Well, thank God that the floods have subsided by this week here in Malaysia.
Water floods in Malaysia & Australia but a different type of flood in Egypt.
The Flood of People, the Flood of Change.

There is a Malay proverb which goes like this, "Sekali air bah, sekali pantai berubah !"
Translate it to English and it goes like this, "Once there is a flood, the beach will change.
IT means that A change of event , will lead to other changes.
Oh yeah, the Egyptian people are sick of Mubarak and his National Democratic Party government.

After 30 years of corruption and oppression, the people could no longer stand it and resulted in the largest demonstrations seen in Egypt since the 1977 riots.
Ever since Mubarak took over, his government have maintained one-party rule under a continuous state of emergency.
Now that is what I call Power of the People or People Power.
If you watched V for Vendetta, you would have heard this quote :-
"People should not be afraid of their government; governments should be afraid of their people"
That is darn right !
It was People Power that rallied the people of the Philippines against Ferdinand Marcos and his regime which was filled with rampant corruption and political mismanagement by his relatives and cronies.
It was People Power that led to the French Revolution of 1789 which captured the imagination of the world.
It lead to the American Revolution, Russian Revolution and many more.
In Malaysia, on Monday (7 February 2011) the headlines in The Star newspaper was something like this :-

Don't try Egypt style power grab in Malaysia, says Najib
Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak has warned against any attempt to usurp power in Malaysia, using demonstrations like those in Egypt.
“Don’t think that what is happening there must also happen in Malaysia. We will not allow it to happen here,” he said.
I think it's not up our PM to decide, he says he will not allow it to happen,
but what if THEY ( the People ) want it to happen ?
Once again the guy from V for Vendetta repeated
"People should not be afraid of their government; governments should be afraid of their people".
Then King Tut said :-

I am not a terrorist, a communist, the opposition, an atheist or an anarchist.
I am just a citizen who loves my country.