A social networking site that everyone knows and use.
Even I have a facebook profile.
I am not an anti-Facebook person because I do appreciate the advantage of social network sites.
It helps me keep in touch with friends and relatives overseas.
I do not consider Mark Zuckerberg, the founder of Facebook to be a genius.
Why ?
He did not come up with the idea of a "social networking site".
There were social networking sites before Facebook like MySpace and Friendster.
I remember back once everyone used Friendster and then everyone shifted to Facebook.
That is why Facebook is so famous.
Then another new stuff will be made and people will shift there.
In fact there already is. It is known as Pocodot.

But here are the comments :-
Pocodot is a Facebook-killer. And it is pushing hard to make its presence sense on the web. That’s what Pocodot.com is all about, I thought.
However, this social networking website takes the dirty route by using YouTube as its weapon to trick the users. Check out the popular music videos on YouTube and you’ll know that Pocodot has drummed the rhythm out of these videos by dropping convincing comments and rapidly earning “thumbs up” in the comment section of YouTube. Yes, the comments on celebrities tying up with Pocodot are fake.
Basically it is the same deal as Facebook, so if your bored and got nothing else better to do why not make a Pocodot account too?
I am not here to brag about the disadvantages of Facebook and make Mark Zuckerberg look bad nor promote Pocodot.
I just want people to use Facebook in an appropriate and reasonable manner.
Facebook gives users the POWER to communicate and express themselves in ways never conceived before.
As Uncle Ben Parker in Spiderman told, " With great POWER comes great RESPONSIBILITY".
As Facebook users, we should be responsible and cautious not to make a fool out of ourselves and give away personal information which can endanger us.
When I was surfing the web and came across this website which states :-
22 Dumbest Things People Do on Facebook.
Hence, I wish to share it with all Facebook users so that they will not be classified as a DUMBASS.
No.1 - Automatically post your Twitter updates to Facebook.
Cross-posting your boring life makes it seem twice as boring. Choose a venue to crap out your trivial quips and stick to it.
P.S. - People would see it in Facebook instead of going to Twitter unless they are jobless and got nothing better to do in their lives
No.2 - Post your baby's photo/ other pictures not portraying you as your own
It doesn't make us think "cute kid," it makes everyone assume you have become immensely fat, lost your hair, etc.

P.S. - Putting a Batman picture as your profile picture does NOT make you Batman because you ain't got the money for the gadgets.
No.3 - Post updates while getting married
Like this guy. Do the smoosh-cake-in-each-other's-faces thing and then post pics. We can wait.
P.S. - It just go to shows that the guy has NO LIFE and spends 24/7 on Facebook and will even post updates while having sex. This marriage ain't going to last long, I think.
No.4 - Play Farmville, Mafia Wars or any of those other time sucks games.
Nothing shows the world you have no life better than seeing a badge from a virtual Facebook game. And then there's the Farmville-addicted mom who allegedly charged for shaking her baby to death. She became angry because the baby was crying while she was playing a computer game called FarmVille on the Facebook.
P.S. - FarmVille will not end global warming or the famine in Africa &
Mafia Wars will not decrease crime rate in your country.
No.5 - Post every time a famous person dies
RIP whoever.And who are the freaks who click "like" on these notices?
P.S. - Doing the above will cause the dead person NOT to RIP &
there is nothing to like when someone dies unless you are psycho.
No.6 - Drink & Facebook
Let this sleazy stock photo, above, and this other dude's alleged drinky deeds be a lesson to ya.
P.S. - Drink and drive. It will spare you the agony of making a fool out of yourself in front of all your friends and family and end all your problems PERMANENTLY (provided you die in the accident)
No.7 - Post the pics of your underage beer bong party
Like this couple in Florida allegedly did. The couple is charged with holding an open house party and giving alcoholic beverages to underage persons.
P.S. - It will be USED against you !
No.8 - Do a video appeal in the shower about needing a place to live.
Especially if you mention that you are on unemployment.
P.S. - People will pitty you BUT nobody will give you a place to live or a job.
Yup, the world is unfair.
No.9 - Misspell stuff that the whole world can see
And it's all attached to your name.
P.S. - It does NOT make you COOL. It just shows that you have BAD vocabulary and were asleep or did NOT attend your English classes in school.
No.10 - Post on a former U.S. President's or a Malaysian Politician's Facebook page
Congratulations, you found something even less productive than playing Farmville.
P.S - IF you wanted CHANGES to be made, you just should have become their adviser.
The Facebook profile thing is a political gimmick which has FOOLED you. HA! HA!
No.11 - Talk about how much you hate your job

Yes it's tempting. And you will get fired for it.
P.S - If you hate your job just QUIT.
No.12 - Break into someone's house and log into your Facebook account
You'd think we wouldn't have to tell you this. But you'd be wrong.
P.S - If you break into a house, why not just call the cops instead of doing it the indirect way by posting it on Facebook .
No.13 - Mock the cops
If you're on the lam, it's tempting to taunt the police. Try not to. Because like Craig here, they'll be super psyched to nail you.
P.S - Instead of wasting your time and the cops time , why don't you just mock them in real life when you see them in a patrol car or try making a prank call from your home.
No.14 - BBQ endangered animals and post the pictures.

Unless you think, "Iguana go to jail" -- don't do it. Read about young Facebookers who allegedly fired up the barbie, roasted a rare animal until well-done and uploaded the pics right here. For their alleged stupidity, they ran afoul of the Fisheries Regulations and the Wild Animal Protection Act and were each served up $500 bail.
P.S - If you are hungry do not eat something endangered. It just shows you are savage and will eat anything to satisfy your hunger. What about humans ?
No.15 - Tell people you are going out of town

Unless you want your place robbed, not bright.
P.S - Want to 100% get robbed, why not leave your house with the doors WIDE OPEN instead.
No.16 - Post verdicts of trials that are still in progress

A Michigan woman serving jury duty in Mt. Clemens is in deep doo-doo after posting to her facebook account that it's "gonna be fun to tell the defendant they're guilty."
P.S - If you want the verdict to REALLY stand, become a judge instead !
No.17 - Poke someone

The poke feature is now only used by the creepy and/or desperate. It attracts attention, sure, in the same way a grenade thrown into a busy Starbucks would.
P.S - Poke someone physically in REAL LIFE to get their attention but not in the WRONG PLACE or that would be sexual harassment to some.
No.18 - Spew about how frackin' in love you are
It's annoying. Luckily, you will be publicly shamed when you break-up !
P.S - Love is like a diary. It should be private & between the 2 lovers.
Love is not like a book in the library. If everyone sees it, it will be humiliating.
No.19 - Go on medical leave and then upload pics of you whooping it up
Like this woman, you may get nabbed by your insurance company and fired by your boss for your alleged dumb deeds.
P.S - If you take an illegal holiday, don't bring the freaking camera. It will be USED against you !
No. 20 - Throw a sick pet pity party
Your beloved Snookums is on chemo, which sucks. But don't bring the whole world down with an update that you know will pimp people to write, "Oh I'm sooooo sorry." :(
P.S - Let your pet die with dignity.
No.21 - Comment on photos of people you barely know and haven't seen in over a decade

Not cool.
P.S. - It just shows everyone you got nothing else better do and do not have many friends.
No.22 - Let anyone tag a photo of you ever
It can and will be used against you.
P.S - If you do not want to be tagged just don't make a facebook profile !
The 22 Dumbest Things People Do on Facebook part was taken from this website :-
Check out the website for more funny stuff and LOL !!!!!!!!!!!
Cheers !!!!!!