In this modern era, we are s dependent on ELECTRICITY.
However, the source of ENERGY from which electricity is generated is NON- RENEWABLE and if RENEWABLE, it is NOT ENOUGH to match current demand.
Look at the Japanese Earthquake & Tsunami,
the aftermath resulted in a MELTDOWN at the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant.

The use of Nuclear to generate energy is a debatable subject.
Pros - Large yield, Cons - High initial set up cost and decommissioning cost
- Danger of MELTDOWN
- Disposal of Nuclear Waste
Then we look at Libya.

According to Wikipedia, Libya has the 10th-largest proven oil reserves of any country in the world and the 17th-highest petroleum production.
Despite of that, the 2011 coalition intervention in Libya lead to the price per barrel of oil to sky rocket to US$ 140/barrel.

You can thank the speculators for their "favour" and The Rockefellers’ Oil Companies such as Chevron, Exxon, Conoco, etc will enjoy the OIL CARTEL and the SKY ROCKETING OIL PRICES.
No matter who wins, we all LOSE end of the day.
Then hybrid cars pop up.

I do not think it is REALLY going to solve anything.
The effort it takes into making the batteries will still consume more energy.
Hybrid cars just are not the solution.
In fact from a user point of perspective, all you get is an electric motor which cannot even go more than 100 miles and an underpowered petrol engine which cannot even cruise the highway at a decent speed.
Electric cars are also not the answer as long as electricity generation is from non-renewable sources.

When plugging in an electric car to charge from your house electrical outlet, the electricity comes from a power plant which is either using fossil fuels or nuclear energy !
Hydrogen powered cars ? The process to make hydrogen consumes A LOT OF fossil fuels !
Solar powered cars cannot even go at 100 miles per hour and cannot move on a rainy day.

Will there ever be a permanent solution ?
Technically yes.

I think that solution would be NUCLEAR FUSION.
Yes, the power of the SUN on EARTH !

That will solve our ENERGY CRISIS forever.
There is no risk of meltdown, its renewable and the yield is AMAZING.
But there is one problem, it does not exist yet !
Its still in research phase and many people are involved.
To create NUCLEAR FUSION on an commercially viable basis will IMMORTALIZE its creator.
Noble Prize + Wealth (if the design is patented) + Glory ( accredited with solving mankind's greatest problem)
So who are the people in interested ?
Well, it seems the European Union, India, Japan, People's Republic of China, Russia, South Korea and the United States are interested.
They have set up ITER (international research and engineering project).

Well, its not some simple science project but a MEGA project of building the MOST ADVANCED NUCLEAR FUSION reactor.
Our only hope to survival for the long term ?
Nuclear Fusion ain't easy like 1+1. Its COMPLICATED.

The only type of FUSION, we humans have "successfully" created is the Hydrogen Bomb.
So, its going to be a long way and there will always be SOMEONE who would want to MONOPOLIZE and CAPITALIZE at the end of the day.
Unlimited Energy, yes.
Free energy, no. Someone always wants to CASH IN.

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