On July 30th, a solar flare took place.
It did not cause any MAJOR disruptions in satellites and the power grid.
It might indicate an increase in solar activity and approaching of a new solar cycle.
On July 31st, a solution for the US Debt Crisis was reached by raising the debt ceiling by y $2.5 trillion US in exchange for $2.5 trillion US in expenditure reductions over the next 10 years with no tax increases.

On August 3rd, the United Nations declare famine in Somalia and other countries in Eastern Africa. It is to be known as the 2011 Horn of Africa famine resulting from a drought due to climate change which is said to be the worst in 60 years.

On August 5th, Standard & Poor's lowered the credit rating of the United States from AAA to AA+.

On August 6th, riots break out in London due to the police shooting Mark Duggan resulting in widespread public disorder and looting throughout certain districts in England leading to further deaths.
All these events seems to point to the END OF DAYS predicted in 2012.
But I ain't buying it.

The Mayan Calendar ends on Dec 21, 2012 but it really means the coming of a NEW AGE.
Natural disasters, economic recession, climate change and wars seem to indicate a bleak future.

We think our advancement in technology will save us but this is not the case.
We have become too dependent on technology, electronics and the INTERNET.

We have made more than 200 synthetic materials that are not bio-degradable and are poisoning us everyday leading to cancer.
We produce more food than we need but it is not distributed evenly, which is why there are still famines.
We have extended our life expectancy but this has resulted in overpopulation.

Our economy is controlled by banks using a Fractional-reserve banking system which creates money out of nothing and charge high interest on borrowings and low interest on deposits.
We are taking raw materials from the environment and producing products at such a rapid rate resulting in pollution and climate change.
So many problems yet I feel there is one cause.

Our greed.
We have become so materialistic and opportunistic that we forsake our moral duties and ethics becoming more inhumane by the day.
Compassion, willingness to help others and other good attributes are vanishing.
In Lord of the Rings, Galadriel said, " The hearts of men are easily corrupted"
No doubt about that. We are very easily corrupted by POWER, AMBITION and WEALTH.
Will we be like this forever, corrupted ?
Mahatma Gandhi said , " You must not lose faith in humanity. Humanity is an ocean; if a few drops of the ocean are dirty, the ocean does not become dirty.
I have not lost my faith in humanity even in this darkest times.
I believe we can change but it will not be easy.
In the movie The Day the Earth Stood Still (2008), aliens are going to destroy humanity because they have crossed the limits of killing each other and killing the planet.

An interesting dialogue between the alien's representative Klaatu (played by Keanu Reeves) and Professor Karl Barnhardt (played by John Cleese ) :-
Professor Barnhardt: There must be alternatives. You must have some technology that could solve our problem.
Klaatu: Your problem is not technology. The problem is you. You lack the will to change.
Professor Barnhardt: Then help us change.
Klaatu: I cannot change your nature. You treat the world as you treat each other.
Professor Barnhardt: But every civilization reaches a crisis point eventually.
Klaatu: Most of them don't make it.
Professor Barnhardt: Yours did. How?
Klaatu: Our sun was dying. We had to evolve in order to survive.
Professor Barnhardt: So it was only when your world was threated with destruction that you became what you are now.
Klaatu: Yes.
Professor Barnhardt: Well that's where we are. You say we're on the brink of destruction and you're right. But it's only on the brink that people find the will to change. Only at the precipice do we evolve. This is our moment. Don't take it from us, we are close to an answer.
I believe that 2012 will that brink and the World will NOT end.
I hope we change for the good.
BTW, the real reason I think the Mayan Calender ends on Dec21, 2012 can be seen in this pic.

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