The year is 2010,
The Government has announced it will introduce Goods Service Tax (GST) early this year.
In May, the government announced that it will cut subsidies.
The signs are clear, the Golden Goose which gives the golden egg is going to die.
The Golden Goose = Petrol.
We all learned in Form 3 that fossil fuels are a non-renewable source of energy.
Once its gone, its gone. You are going to have to wait another few million years for fossil fuels.
For now everybody is happy that petrol is RM1.80 per liter.
Sadly, this is going to change.
The government "might" remove the petrol subsidy gradually until market price.
Well, thats their plan but I doubt it.
The people will not accept that & definitely make a lot of noise.
Eventually, they will be forced to accept the harsh reality and then things just start to get worse.
Prices will rise sky high. RM 10 is now RM 1.
That will mark the Birth of Chaos. From then on it is a continuous spiral downwards.
A fictional future not likely to happen ?
Sorry, this is not a fairy tale. Things do not end happily ever after.
Look around you ? What is happening ?
What our attempts to mitigate oil depletion ?
Does the government have any contingency plan ?
Our electricity grid, where does most of the power come from ?
Why are Singaporeans filling up their cars until their tanks explode with our subsidized petrol ?
I don't understand why can we just make a law requiring all Singaporean cars to leave Malaysia with only half or a quarter tank of fuel. If not, there is RM200 fine.
Instead of requiring all foreign cars to only fill up 20 liters of fuel. This is stupid and ridiculous. If you do not know how to solve a problem look around for answers ? Come on, all Singapore cars leaving Singapore must have 3/4 tank of fuel, so why can't we adopt the same policy to our advantage.
Are we considering nuclear power ? I think it is too late.
The Shah of Iran (wise guy) knew that petrol will run out in the future &
started Iran's Nuclear Program in the 1950's. The Shah approved plans to construct, with U.S. help, up to 23 nuclear power stations by 2000.
Sadly, Iran's nuclear program continued until the 1979 Iranian Revolution that toppled the Shah of Iran.
Now in 2010 Malaysia is considering nuclear energy. I do not know whether to laugh or cry ?
What are we going to do when oil runs out or becomes RM180 per litre ?
I would consider getting a bicycle.
Err.. you might want to forget the imported hydrogen OR solar car cause it might cost more than RM 1 mil.
Plus you cannot plug and charge via the power grid cause the electricity rate then will be RM 50 per kilowatt.
So, I hope you consider a bicycle or maybe invent a car which runs on water.
You might want to work on that fast based on the graph below.