It is the 21st century & the advance in Science & technology is undeniably freakin fast.
Science = the study of natural phenomenon.
There is where the problem starts.
In science we try to find an answer for everything even the existence of God.
If it is not scientifically proven then we say it is impossible or unrealistic.
I kinda find this bias & narrow minded.
Instead of saying "No way, thats not possible !" try saying " WHY NOT "
Science has yet to answer many questions from paranormal activity to the existence of God.
One of the most simple ones is " Why does a compass point North always ?"
This is the answer given by an expert from the magazine, Popular Science :-
Science is full of things you can see with your own eyes yet for which, even today, there is no satisfactory explanation.
For instance, a compass needle always points south. You might know this happens because the earth's magnetic field is orientated roughly along its axis of spin.
But why does it point north no one knows.
We can see it, describe it and measure it but we can't explain it
Moral of the Story : Think twice before you say that is impossible.
Few centuries back they said it was impossible to fly
but now look where we are.

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