If you watch the news lately you can see that lot of bookies as they call it are busted by the cops for illegal betting on World Cup matches.
The cops seize like thosands of bucks and lot of laptops & handphones but I wonder what they will do with it.
The goverment says that illegal betting is so rampant that about more than RM 3 million is at stake. I wonder what they think about the RM 30 MILLION they lost in taxes due to illegal sand mining in JB.
I think they should just make it legal and charge a percentage of tax. In that way, it will "benifit" both parties. Yeah right, like that will happen in Malaysia. It would be like making prostitution legal. Come on, Czech Republic does it.
The funny part is when one high ranking official stated betting on football matches should be stopped because people might start betting on local football tournaments.
This is a joke right? Come on, who the heck watches local football matches and make bets on it ? It is like making a bet in a gasing tournament. Our people would rather gamble their money in the casino if they are high class or on a chicken fighting tournament if they are low class.
I don't know about you but I am not a gambling kind of person but I must admit some times gambling might seem a bit high class due to James Bond movies. Whenever anyone asks me, "Are you a gambling person?" my reply would be as what James Bond said in one of the movies i.e. "Yes, if the stakes are high".
Now you know why I don't bet on football matches or chicken fighting tournaments.
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