Anyone know this guy ?
I bet 98% of people in Malaysia do not know this dude.
All we know is Thomas Alva Edison.
Once you know the dude above you will go like "To hell with Edison !"
The dude above is Nikola Tesla.
This guy is a real genius and not a capitalist like Edison.
He was born in Serbia and became an Electrical Engineer.
He then migrated to the USA, the land of oppurtunities!
He then worked in Edison's lab with a letter of recomendation which stated :-
I only know 2 great people. The first is you (Edison), the second is this man (Tesla)
Tesla agreed to help modify Edison's generator for which Edison agreed to pay him a bonus of $50000.
Tesla did modify the generators and made them more efficient.
When Tesla asked for the bonus, Edison replied "I don't think you get the American sense of humour, do you?
Tesla then quit his job and continued inventing more awesome stuff.
He became a close rival of Edison but was never rich like him.
Here are a list of stuff he invented :-
Tesla Coil
a sort of transformer. If you hold a light bulb near it, it will light.
Yes, it is wireless electricity.
Fluorescent light bulb.
Edison's light bulb was frikin unefficient. It was 98% heat and 2% light.
Edison cannot even hold the light bulb he invented cause it was too hot !
Most people think it was Marconi who made the radio but he did it using 17 of Tesla's patented design.
AC current system.
Our Edison banked on the DC electric system but man was it inefficient and expensive. Tesla's AC system was way better and is used till this day.
Electric motor
Yes it was Tesla who designed the electric motor which worked by alternating the magnetic field to create a rotation. Now we use it in everyday life from Tamiya Cars to Hybrid Cars.
There are still more stuff but i think the above was great enough.
He did so much for humanity but was never a rich guy nor was he even remembered.
As Tesla himself stated:-
“Let the future tell the truth, and evaluate each one according to his work and accomplishments. The present is theirs; the future, for which I have really worked, is mine.”

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