Subhash has recently expressed his view on capitalism &
IT is CRYSTAL CLEAR that he is kinda against it.
I know there are some people out there who do not know what the heck is
A) Capitalism
B) Socialism
Well, in simple terms:-
Capitalism is - when the system of economy is owned by people or individual
Socialism is kinda the opposite.
Malaysia adopts a capitalist position just like the USA & the other ELITE countries.
Socialism can still be seen in North Korea & maybe Venezuela.
The PROBLEM with CAPITALISM is that it hurts workers, because businesses make more money by selling things than they pay to the workers who make the things and, therefore, businessmen become rich while workers remain poor and/or exploited.
You no need to look far for the PROBLEM with SOCIALISM, just look at the 2 countries mentioned above. I think most of us are kinda glad to be a capitalist country.
The point is that no economic system is suitable. There is always drawbacks & flaws here and there. I think capitalism is doing quite well and that is why it is adopted by many. Come on, its human nature. Think like this, "To survive you gotta work your ass off" or "Survival of The Fittest".
If you watched the movie, Wall Street, there is this saying, "GREED IS GOOD".
Well, here is where the problem with capitalism starts. Its drives people into the sin of GREED.
As you all may know, when one enjoys another suffers.
Solution : The Capitalist & The Socialist should compromise & form a new economic system acceptable to both parties.
No use fighting with each other. It will lead nowhere. Subhash, why not try making a economic system you find fair. I am sure it might be AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Monday, January 25, 2010
KL people
Back in JB we always use to think KL people were :-
1) Will party animals
2) Relax & chilled out people
3) Don't give a damn about studies
4) Consume booze, dope, or anything you can think off.
Well, that perception was 100% wrong only for ACCA students I guess. The Financial Course students are one of the most hardworking bunch I have ever seen.
Their commitment & hardwork for success is astounding. I use to think becoming a World Prize Winner is somethin impossible until I saw these guys.
There's something about them which drives you to strive for execellance. I just do not know what is it. Is is their discipline, mentality or God knows what?
Lookin at this people achieving success makes you really think NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE.
Subhash once told me nobody's perfect. Well quite true but not always. We can be perfect in certain things.
Look around you:-
An arrow hitting a bulleye. That is perfection.
Drawing a circle with a compass. That is perfection.
Rocket lifting off into space. That is perfection.
Scoring 100 marks in a test. That is perfection.
Constructing a block with 90 degree angle. That is perfection.
Division of a cell. From 1 to 2. That is perfection.
WHY, look at yourself, even you are a result of perfection!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Nothing is impossible as long as you have BELIEVE & FAITH in it.
1) Will party animals
2) Relax & chilled out people
3) Don't give a damn about studies
4) Consume booze, dope, or anything you can think off.
Well, that perception was 100% wrong only for ACCA students I guess. The Financial Course students are one of the most hardworking bunch I have ever seen.
Their commitment & hardwork for success is astounding. I use to think becoming a World Prize Winner is somethin impossible until I saw these guys.
There's something about them which drives you to strive for execellance. I just do not know what is it. Is is their discipline, mentality or God knows what?
Lookin at this people achieving success makes you really think NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE.
Subhash once told me nobody's perfect. Well quite true but not always. We can be perfect in certain things.
Look around you:-
An arrow hitting a bulleye. That is perfection.
Drawing a circle with a compass. That is perfection.
Rocket lifting off into space. That is perfection.
Scoring 100 marks in a test. That is perfection.
Constructing a block with 90 degree angle. That is perfection.
Division of a cell. From 1 to 2. That is perfection.
WHY, look at yourself, even you are a result of perfection!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Nothing is impossible as long as you have BELIEVE & FAITH in it.
Hello Hello
Mmm...its been like 5 days since I have blogged. Well, I have reasons :-
1) Damn busy with h/w
2) Fell ill
Guess I was still gettin used to KL.
I got to admit that doin ACCA in Sunway KL is somethin' challenging.
My buddy Leon told me somethin back in 2009, "KL people & people from other states are damn smart".
Man, I guess he was darn right. Back in Sunway JB it was like a pond but here in Sunway KL it is like an ocean.
You will be pushed beyond your limit until breaking point. Come on, accountants & stress are like brothers. You can't cope with the stress you are out or dead.
Doing tutorial question during F6 class was like a BATTLEFIELD. You have to be fast, know the format & keep on moving. If you even slack for one moment or WORST, give up YOU ARE DEAD.
My F6 lecturer kinda reminds me of the The Terminator. As the Terminator said, "Never stop fighting".
I think doin ACCA in Sunway KL has opened up my eyes to see the reality of life i.e. life is a struggle to survive AKA survival of the fittest. If I was still back in JB, I would just be relaxed & chillin' out half the time not knowing the HELL that I will face in the end.
1) Damn busy with h/w
2) Fell ill
Guess I was still gettin used to KL.
I got to admit that doin ACCA in Sunway KL is somethin' challenging.
My buddy Leon told me somethin back in 2009, "KL people & people from other states are damn smart".
Man, I guess he was darn right. Back in Sunway JB it was like a pond but here in Sunway KL it is like an ocean.
You will be pushed beyond your limit until breaking point. Come on, accountants & stress are like brothers. You can't cope with the stress you are out or dead.
Doing tutorial question during F6 class was like a BATTLEFIELD. You have to be fast, know the format & keep on moving. If you even slack for one moment or WORST, give up YOU ARE DEAD.
My F6 lecturer kinda reminds me of the The Terminator. As the Terminator said, "Never stop fighting".
I think doin ACCA in Sunway KL has opened up my eyes to see the reality of life i.e. life is a struggle to survive AKA survival of the fittest. If I was still back in JB, I would just be relaxed & chillin' out half the time not knowing the HELL that I will face in the end.
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
ACCA, Time & Sacrifice
It has only been like what? Like 3 weeks in Sunway KL but i am beginning to notice somethin'.
It has only been like 3 weeks in KL & I am beginning to notice that time is goin extremely fast.
I am kinda not used to this. Cuz back in Sunway JB everything was kinda slow moving & calm.
But here it is the DIRECT OPPOSITE. Everythin' is on HYPERDRIVE. Progress Test 1 will be in 2 weeks time. Got to get ready. I guess this is how the REAL WORLD is, "If you aint' fast enough, you are OUT." After all,
-Time is not gold, it is PLATINUM here in Sunway KL
-Time & tide wait for no man.
ACCA is NOT easy. That is what everybody says & I kinda agree. According to my F6 lecturer, you MUST have to pass all the papers in 1 seating & at the same time get GOOD marks. If you get 50-60, you might fail your Professional level papers.
Conclusion is, ACCA is something you need to put your commitment, hard work & sacrifice into.
Sacrifice & ACCA are like water & sugar. They mix well. If you are not willing to sacrifice you are OUT. Doing ACCA means you kinda have to sacrifice your leisure time (yes, i have not played modern warfare 2), weekend (got extra class on saturday 9a.m. to 5 p.m.) & semester breaks (too short). I am prepared cuz nothin in this world comes easy. Come on, look at the effort we take to mine for petrol, diamonds, PLATINUM & gold. It is frikin HARD.
Well, thats all I kind say but doin ACCA does not mean the end of everything. It is the beginning of an "exciting", "adventure-filled" & "dangerous" journey. God bless America & all of us!!!!!!!
It has only been like 3 weeks in KL & I am beginning to notice that time is goin extremely fast.
I am kinda not used to this. Cuz back in Sunway JB everything was kinda slow moving & calm.
But here it is the DIRECT OPPOSITE. Everythin' is on HYPERDRIVE. Progress Test 1 will be in 2 weeks time. Got to get ready. I guess this is how the REAL WORLD is, "If you aint' fast enough, you are OUT." After all,
-Time is not gold, it is PLATINUM here in Sunway KL
-Time & tide wait for no man.
ACCA is NOT easy. That is what everybody says & I kinda agree. According to my F6 lecturer, you MUST have to pass all the papers in 1 seating & at the same time get GOOD marks. If you get 50-60, you might fail your Professional level papers.
Conclusion is, ACCA is something you need to put your commitment, hard work & sacrifice into.
Sacrifice & ACCA are like water & sugar. They mix well. If you are not willing to sacrifice you are OUT. Doing ACCA means you kinda have to sacrifice your leisure time (yes, i have not played modern warfare 2), weekend (got extra class on saturday 9a.m. to 5 p.m.) & semester breaks (too short). I am prepared cuz nothin in this world comes easy. Come on, look at the effort we take to mine for petrol, diamonds, PLATINUM & gold. It is frikin HARD.
Well, thats all I kind say but doin ACCA does not mean the end of everything. It is the beginning of an "exciting", "adventure-filled" & "dangerous" journey. God bless America & all of us!!!!!!!
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Language,Malaysians & Black n White
As a Malaysian, I feel that we & language are like Earth & Sky.
We are THAT FAR apart but not as worse as other countries.
We think our English is BAD but the same goes for our BM too as you can see below :-
see what I mean, either the language understanding is poor or it is the total disregard for "The Law".
But who cares? Even I dunno what to say!!!!
Besides that there is another thing which still bothers me & it is racism especially the BLACK & WHITE Issue!!!!!!
It has now got into the ghost world too!!!! Like this movie, Ju-On : WHITE ghost & BLACK ghost..jpg)
Come one ! WTF!! When is the BLACK & WHITE issue going to end?
Oh, you should check out this mail I received :-
We are THAT FAR apart but not as worse as other countries.
We think our English is BAD but the same goes for our BM too as you can see below :-
see what I mean, either the language understanding is poor or it is the total disregard for "The Law".
But who cares? Even I dunno what to say!!!!
Besides that there is another thing which still bothers me & it is racism especially the BLACK & WHITE Issue!!!!!!
It has now got into the ghost world too!!!! Like this movie, Ju-On : WHITE ghost & BLACK ghost.
Come one ! WTF!! When is the BLACK & WHITE issue going to end?
Oh, you should check out this mail I received :-
When I grow up, I black
When I go in Sun, I black
When I scared, I black
When I sick, I black
And when I die, I still black
And you white fellow
When you born, you pink
When you grow up, you white
When you go in sun, you red
When you cold, you blue
When you scared, you yellow
When you sick, you green
And when you die, you gray
And you calling me colored?
I hope that WE stop fightin over this matter & understand each other.
Lecturers & Lecture
I always believe that everyday in life we learn somethin new from our experience & OTHER PEOPLE.
When I tell OTHER PEOPLE I also mean lecturers.
Lecturers have a LOT of LIFE EXPERIENCE & know "our" mentality quite well.
My F4 lecturer is kinda interesting as she has is teachin Law.
What that I can derive is :-
(1) There is NO such thing as TRUE JUSTICE. Now, there is only RELATIVE JUSTICE.
This means that you can technically get away with a crime by exploiting loop holes in the law or by simply with MONEY ($) & POWER.
(2) Marriage made in heaven.............THAT IS TOTAL RUBBISH!
All marriages are made on Earth.
(3) Girls only use their heart when in love NOT their brains. So girls, when in love use your brains also. If you want to divorce your husband make sure he has a higher pay than you or you had it. (This was said by my lecturer NOT me. I never insult anybody cuz I ALWAYS adopt a neutral position)
When I tell OTHER PEOPLE I also mean lecturers.
Lecturers have a LOT of LIFE EXPERIENCE & know "our" mentality quite well.
My F4 lecturer is kinda interesting as she has is teachin Law.
What that I can derive is :-
(1) There is NO such thing as TRUE JUSTICE. Now, there is only RELATIVE JUSTICE.
This means that you can technically get away with a crime by exploiting loop holes in the law or by simply with MONEY ($) & POWER.
(2) Marriage made in heaven.............THAT IS TOTAL RUBBISH!
All marriages are made on Earth.
(3) Girls only use their heart when in love NOT their brains. So girls, when in love use your brains also. If you want to divorce your husband make sure he has a higher pay than you or you had it. (This was said by my lecturer NOT me. I never insult anybody cuz I ALWAYS adopt a neutral position)
Sunway KL......Height, Toilet ( Mirror = Advertistment) !?
After walking around Sunway KL for 2 weeks, I have noticed the following :-
When I look down from the highest floor, I just get the creeps man. You suddenly start to imagine yourself falling down!!!!! Its kinda scary. But I have started using the stairs instead of the lift to get to the 3rd floor where the AWESOME library is located. Gettin' to the library is really a good work out. By the time I reach the 2nd Floor, I am already out of breath but I am buildin my stamina. YA MAN, all hail the STAIRS!!!!! In fact everyone should take the stairs for a HEALTHIER LIFE!!!!
Advertistment in Toilet.jpg)
U know what readers? People will go to craziest extent to do advertisement. Well, I just admire and enjoy watching them do so. Wat do you guys think? I actually think it works!!!!
The movie advertisement I mean. As you can see, there is Toy Story 3, Alice in Wonderland & Prince of Persia!! Really lookin forward to the movies!!! Congrats to Sunway KL for effective & creative advertising. (Mirror + Advertisement)
When I look down from the highest floor, I just get the creeps man. You suddenly start to imagine yourself falling down!!!!! Its kinda scary. But I have started using the stairs instead of the lift to get to the 3rd floor where the AWESOME library is located. Gettin' to the library is really a good work out. By the time I reach the 2nd Floor, I am already out of breath but I am buildin my stamina. YA MAN, all hail the STAIRS!!!!! In fact everyone should take the stairs for a HEALTHIER LIFE!!!!
Advertistment in Toilet
U know what readers? People will go to craziest extent to do advertisement. Well, I just admire and enjoy watching them do so. Wat do you guys think? I actually think it works!!!!
The movie advertisement I mean. As you can see, there is Toy Story 3, Alice in Wonderland & Prince of Persia!! Really lookin forward to the movies!!! Congrats to Sunway KL for effective & creative advertising. (Mirror + Advertisement)
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Enlightenment............NOT from Buddha but F6 lecturer
During my F6 class today my lecturer enlightened me on :
(1) Audit Firms.
Audit firms NOT = charity.
All they want is REVENUE.
Who brings in the REVENUE gets BONUS, PROMOTION & etc.
(2) Memory
People say the have poor memory. Well, that is BULLSHIT.
It is about how well you memorize! Find the correct technique.
(3) Practice
Practice makes perfect ( FALSE)
Perfect practice makes perfect.
(4) ACCA & oppurtunity cost
ACCA is the CHEAPEST program ONLY IF you PASS ALL PAPERS in 1 sitting.
Failing 1 paper = repeating 1 semester = loss of future salary of ($2400x6=$14400)
So, when you fail, go back home & tell your dad you lost $14400 which you could have used to send him for a good holiday.
(5) Passing
It is not impossible to pass ACCA in 1 sitting. F6 lecturer said she is one of 'em.
She also did ACCA in SUNWAY KL!!!!!!
(6) First Class Degree from OBU
To get First Class out of the Average for the 6 papers (F4,5,6,7,8,9) 68% and higher.
(1) Audit Firms.
Audit firms NOT = charity.
All they want is REVENUE.
Who brings in the REVENUE gets BONUS, PROMOTION & etc.
(2) Memory
People say the have poor memory. Well, that is BULLSHIT.
It is about how well you memorize! Find the correct technique.
(3) Practice
Practice makes perfect ( FALSE)
Perfect practice makes perfect.
(4) ACCA & oppurtunity cost
ACCA is the CHEAPEST program ONLY IF you PASS ALL PAPERS in 1 sitting.
Failing 1 paper = repeating 1 semester = loss of future salary of ($2400x6=$14400)
So, when you fail, go back home & tell your dad you lost $14400 which you could have used to send him for a good holiday.
(5) Passing
It is not impossible to pass ACCA in 1 sitting. F6 lecturer said she is one of 'em.
She also did ACCA in SUNWAY KL!!!!!!
(6) First Class Degree from OBU
To get First Class out of the Average for the 6 papers (F4,5,6,7,8,9) 68% and higher.
Monday, January 11, 2010
Taxi, Rain & Jam
KL is not only famous for its "excellent" drivers but also for its :-
(1) Taxi drivers & their FRIKIN attitude*
(2) Jam, NO not bread & Jam, NOT doughnut with Jam BUT TRAFFIC JAM
Well, today I experienced BOTH ( a combo)!!!!
After finnishing college at 4 p.m. I was kinda supprised to see it Raining.
Well the REAL SURPRISE was the FRIKIN traffic jam. It was nothin like what I seen in JB.
Thank God, there was Hitz.Fm to entertain on a long & boring wait.
I also begin to notice a few things:-
1. I seem to be a very"nice" driver always giving way to those drivers who want to enter my lane
2. When 1 lane starts to clear up, people from other lane will enter that lane. (which is kinda annoying)
3.* Taxi drivers don't give a damn about thier taxi & like to get involve in an accident. Come on, can u imagine how bored it would be driving the whole day? So, what they do for fun? They do crazy stunts i.e. crazy & abrupt turnings & hope to crash into a innocent driver.
4. It is always good to maintain a FAIR DISTANCE from taxi drivers.
5. Driving a manual transmission car in a traffic jam would REALLY be tiring!!!!!
*only applicable to certain taxi drivers & no offence
(1) Taxi drivers & their FRIKIN attitude*
(2) Jam, NO not bread & Jam, NOT doughnut with Jam BUT TRAFFIC JAM
Well, today I experienced BOTH ( a combo)!!!!
After finnishing college at 4 p.m. I was kinda supprised to see it Raining.
Well the REAL SURPRISE was the FRIKIN traffic jam. It was nothin like what I seen in JB.
Thank God, there was Hitz.Fm to entertain on a long & boring wait.
I also begin to notice a few things:-
1. I seem to be a very"nice" driver always giving way to those drivers who want to enter my lane
2. When 1 lane starts to clear up, people from other lane will enter that lane. (which is kinda annoying)
3.* Taxi drivers don't give a damn about thier taxi & like to get involve in an accident. Come on, can u imagine how bored it would be driving the whole day? So, what they do for fun? They do crazy stunts i.e. crazy & abrupt turnings & hope to crash into a innocent driver.
4. It is always good to maintain a FAIR DISTANCE from taxi drivers.
5. Driving a manual transmission car in a traffic jam would REALLY be tiring!!!!!
*only applicable to certain taxi drivers & no offence
Friday, January 8, 2010
Drivers, Driving & Accident
Driving in KL for 5 days has lead me to realize that :-
Be extremely careful before u turn or overtake.
Relax when driving cause if you do not SHIT HAPPENS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
As Justin Timberlake said, "Ladies, Good Night
Guys, Good Morning"
*only applicable to certain drivers NOT ALL. By the way, no offence !!
- *Drivers in KL are worse than in JB
- *Drivers in KL do not give way when you put your signal light. They think it is a fancy decoration light on the car.
- *Drivers in KL do not use signal lights to indicate when they want to turn. Guess it is complicated to use signal light especially for those FANCY cars such as BMW, Volvo, Honda Accord & Mercedes Benz.
- *Lory drivers in Kl like to horn at you although you signal and come in front of 'em.
- *Motorcyclist are FRIKIN annoyin especially when they come damn near to your car & execute some daring stunts. Just pray to God, I do not bang & kill a motorcyclist.
- *Drivers in KL do not know where to park. They park in places they should not & you end up the victim. (happen to me Sunway KL parking lot)
- Honda's EPS (Electronic Power Steering) is AWESOME. Very handy when it comes to avoid those *crazy KL motorist & drivers. ALL HAIL HONDA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Be extremely careful before u turn or overtake.
Relax when driving cause if you do not SHIT HAPPENS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
As Justin Timberlake said, "Ladies, Good Night
Guys, Good Morning"
*only applicable to certain drivers NOT ALL. By the way, no offence !!
Exciting Lecturer & Lecture
Date : 7 Jan 2010
Event : 1st Class in Sunway KL
Subject : F6 (Taxation)
Lecturer : Ms. Joyce Low a.k.a j_low
Comment : To be honest, I have never met a lecturer as mentioned above.
All I can say about this lecturer is:-
(a) Extremely organized
(b) Straight to the Point
(c) Extremely High Tech (has her own web page to download homework from)
(d) Focused on getin' the RESULTS
Lecturer's Quotes : - I am a no nonsense lecturer.
- If you only want to pass your F6, get out of here and join any other college.
- If you pass up shit (assignment done on the day before it should be passed up), I will throw it back to your face!
- If you don't start in January & wait for your Progress Test 1 results, be
prepared to fail F6.
Conclusion : Not only is F6 interesting but also its lecturer. Both combine to form a formidable
element which kinda pushes me to study. I do not know why?
After coming back from F6 lecture, I did not feel like installing & playin Modern
Warfare 2 in my PC.
Event : 1st Class in Sunway KL
Subject : F6 (Taxation)
Lecturer : Ms. Joyce Low a.k.a j_low
Comment : To be honest, I have never met a lecturer as mentioned above.
All I can say about this lecturer is:-
(a) Extremely organized
(b) Straight to the Point
(c) Extremely High Tech (has her own web page to download homework from)
(d) Focused on getin' the RESULTS
Lecturer's Quotes : - I am a no nonsense lecturer.
- If you only want to pass your F6, get out of here and join any other college.
- If you pass up shit (assignment done on the day before it should be passed up), I will throw it back to your face!
- If you don't start in January & wait for your Progress Test 1 results, be
prepared to fail F6.
Conclusion : Not only is F6 interesting but also its lecturer. Both combine to form a formidable
element which kinda pushes me to study. I do not know why?
After coming back from F6 lecture, I did not feel like installing & playin Modern
Warfare 2 in my PC.
Parking & Seats = Platinum & Gold
In Sunway KL, I have started to appreciate things that were not so important in Sunway JB.
Well, those 2 things are :-
Parking - I discovered that if you came to Sunway KL by 9.30 a.m. the Car Park will be CLOSED. Why?
Because it is FRIKIN FULL. You would then be forced to park outside the college.
To make matters worse, most of the shops near Sunway KL are car workshops.
If you park your car in the wrong area, you are in for a surprise!!!!!
Seats - Yes, seats not in a classroom but a FRIKIN auditorium. A LOTS of people seem to
be to be doin ACCA. There are about 70+ people in my "class".
I will tell you a tale:-
Once upon a time (on Friday, 7.15 a.m.), Dana arrived in Sunway KL because his class started at 8.00 a.m. He then headed to his "class" in Auditorium 1 to check it out to see if anybody was there. What he saw SHOCKED the !@#$ out of him. Nearly, 3/4 of the auditorium was FILLED.
Moral of The Story : Come to college VERY EARLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well, those 2 things are :-
Parking - I discovered that if you came to Sunway KL by 9.30 a.m. the Car Park will be CLOSED. Why?
Because it is FRIKIN FULL. You would then be forced to park outside the college.
To make matters worse, most of the shops near Sunway KL are car workshops.
If you park your car in the wrong area, you are in for a surprise!!!!!
Seats - Yes, seats not in a classroom but a FRIKIN auditorium. A LOTS of people seem to
be to be doin ACCA. There are about 70+ people in my "class".
I will tell you a tale:-
Once upon a time (on Friday, 7.15 a.m.), Dana arrived in Sunway KL because his class started at 8.00 a.m. He then headed to his "class" in Auditorium 1 to check it out to see if anybody was there. What he saw SHOCKED the !@#$ out of him. Nearly, 3/4 of the auditorium was FILLED.
Moral of The Story : Come to college VERY EARLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
All that Glitters is Not Platinum
Today was orientation day in Sunway KL for ACCA.
I was turned inside out, dumbfounded, speachless after the speech of the Programme Executive , Mr. TES.
ACCA in Sunway KL has been awarded the glorious & prestigious PLATINUM status & is the ONLY college in Malaysia to have this massive status.
But as the title of the blog implies, it does not come with an easy price.
Sunway KL has to maintain its performance (have high passing rates) in order to maintain this PLATINUM status.
Good News (students) - "Motivation" to work hard
Bad News- Attendence is COMPULSARY for ALL classes & test
- IF u fail your progress test & mock exam u CANNOT sit for the REAL EXAM
(THEY have the right to tell ACCA to BAR u from takin the REAL EXAM)*
*this is what dunbfounded ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
From my point of view, this is a challange which I am ready to UNDERTAKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
As the saying goes from a game called Tactical Ops 2:-
"Mess with the Best, Die like the Rest"
I was turned inside out, dumbfounded, speachless after the speech of the Programme Executive , Mr. TES.
ACCA in Sunway KL has been awarded the glorious & prestigious PLATINUM status & is the ONLY college in Malaysia to have this massive status.
But as the title of the blog implies, it does not come with an easy price.
Sunway KL has to maintain its performance (have high passing rates) in order to maintain this PLATINUM status.
Good News (students) - "Motivation" to work hard
Bad News- Attendence is COMPULSARY for ALL classes & test
- IF u fail your progress test & mock exam u CANNOT sit for the REAL EXAM
(THEY have the right to tell ACCA to BAR u from takin the REAL EXAM)*
*this is what dunbfounded ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
From my point of view, this is a challange which I am ready to UNDERTAKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
As the saying goes from a game called Tactical Ops 2:-
"Mess with the Best, Die like the Rest"
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
THE END..........of Holidays
tmr will be Wednesday, 6 Jan 09, orientation for ACCA.
WAIT A MIN, it is only orientation. Which means classes only start on Thursday.
Orientation in Sunway JB was abt 3 hours and STUDIES started on the orientation day itself!!!
Wherelse, in Sunway KL orientation is from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. & studies do not start on tat day!
Well, no matter what classes will start, we will have to study, write exams & do well (extremly)
In a coconut shell, that is what students have to do.
I mean why? Why study hard? To score the Highest Marks?
On Monday, Dubai oppened the world's Tallest Building, the Burj Dubai / Burj Khalifa.
The .....est at the end of every word sends a messaage.
Which is , we (humans) strive for execellance (to be the BEST)
I guess tat is why we are here today, ruling Planet Earth as the Superior Species.
Mahatma Gandhi : The World can satisfy Man's need but not his greed.
So wat do u think, is striving for the BEST = Greedy???
Well, even Ifind it hard to answer this question!
tmr will be Wednesday, 6 Jan 09, orientation for ACCA.
WAIT A MIN, it is only orientation. Which means classes only start on Thursday.
Orientation in Sunway JB was abt 3 hours and STUDIES started on the orientation day itself!!!
Wherelse, in Sunway KL orientation is from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. & studies do not start on tat day!
Well, no matter what classes will start, we will have to study, write exams & do well (extremly)
In a coconut shell, that is what students have to do.
I mean why? Why study hard? To score the Highest Marks?
On Monday, Dubai oppened the world's Tallest Building, the Burj Dubai / Burj Khalifa.

Which is , we (humans) strive for execellance (to be the BEST)
I guess tat is why we are here today, ruling Planet Earth as the Superior Species.
Mahatma Gandhi : The World can satisfy Man's need but not his greed.
So wat do u think, is striving for the BEST = Greedy???
Well, even Ifind it hard to answer this question!
Monday, January 4, 2010
Today I spent the most time in Sunway KL so far.
I think I have explored 80% of the college and have found out that:
I have yet to explore the Student Service Department as it very BIG
Well tats all for now, gettin sleepy.
Good Night.
I think I have explored 80% of the college and have found out that:
- Sunway KL is divided into 2 sections (North & South only)
- I thought there was a seperate East & West section. Thank God I was wrong.
- Sunway KL has a massive library with a massive number of books and shelves.
- Majority of the foreign students seems to be from the Middle-East or somethin.
- There are ATM machines in the college.
- Sunway KL takes precautions against A(H1N1) . I am suprised and want to congratulate this effort.
- Sunway KL does not encourage its students to smoke as u can see below
I have yet to explore the Student Service Department as it very BIG
Well tats all for now, gettin sleepy.
Good Night.
Sunday, January 3, 2010
There is Something About.......RELIGION?! WTF!!
There are 3 stuff which are highly debatable
1. God
2. Religion
3. Ghost
Lets look at religion!!!!!!
What is a religion?
I say it is a Code of Life or kind off a rule. I technically have no religion and adopt a Contigency Approach.
Contigency Approach = no 1 religion = adopt principles from various religions.
I wonder:
Can someone have a religion and not believe in God?
Can someone believe in God and not have a religion?
What do atheist view religion & god as?
(Is religion & God like- water & oil (do not mix) or like water & sugar (mix))
Do atheist have a religion?
I wonder?
1. God
2. Religion
3. Ghost
Lets look at religion!!!!!!
What is a religion?
I say it is a Code of Life or kind off a rule. I technically have no religion and adopt a Contigency Approach.
Contigency Approach = no 1 religion = adopt principles from various religions.
I wonder:
Can someone have a religion and not believe in God?
Can someone believe in God and not have a religion?
What do atheist view religion & god as?
(Is religion & God like- water & oil (do not mix) or like water & sugar (mix))
Do atheist have a religion?
I wonder?
KL Sunday
Yes, it was quite a boring KL Sunday.
Feel kinda emo thanks to TMnet Streamyx and their "excellent" service.
Did u know it takes 5 to7 days to activate a user account?
COME ON it is already 2010 not 1999!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
In addition I have realised a few things:
Sunway KL aint in KL. It is in Selangor.
I guess the KL makes the college sound cool.
Come on, does Sunway Selangor sound cool?
Feel kinda emo thanks to TMnet Streamyx and their "excellent" service.
Did u know it takes 5 to7 days to activate a user account?
COME ON it is already 2010 not 1999!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
In addition I have realised a few things:
Sunway KL aint in KL. It is in Selangor.
I guess the KL makes the college sound cool.
Come on, does Sunway Selangor sound cool?
Saturday, January 2, 2010
Today i registered in Sunway KL for ACCA.
Well as a guy from JB, Sunway KL is "something" man!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sunway JB : Just a ordinary college
Sunway KL : Is a Frikin "University College"
Sunway JB : Free Parking
Sunway KL : $2 bucks
Sunway JB : 3 floors & no North, East, West section
Sunway KL : 5 floors & got North, North East, East West Section.....(just continues!!!)
Sunway JB : No floor directory
Sunway KL : Frikin complicated floor directory ( like gibberish e.g. NE-F3-R12)
Sunway JB : Registration = 30 min.
Sunway KL : Registration = 1 hour (lot of people)
Sunway JB : Surrounded by normal shops
Sunway KL : Surrounded by Sunway Pyramid, Sunway Lagoon, Sunway Resort & Spa and bla..bla...
Sunway JB : To get there no toll
Sunway KL : Using NPE (New Pantai Expressway) = $3.20 + $3.20 = $6.40!!!! :() :,
To be honest, I am beginning to miss Sunway JB or am I?!
Well as a guy from JB, Sunway KL is "something" man!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sunway JB : Just a ordinary college
Sunway KL : Is a Frikin "University College"
Sunway JB : Free Parking
Sunway KL : $2 bucks
Sunway JB : 3 floors & no North, East, West section
Sunway KL : 5 floors & got North, North East, East West Section.....(just continues!!!)
Sunway JB : No floor directory
Sunway KL : Frikin complicated floor directory ( like gibberish e.g. NE-F3-R12)
Sunway JB : Registration = 30 min.
Sunway KL : Registration = 1 hour (lot of people)
Sunway JB : Surrounded by normal shops
Sunway KL : Surrounded by Sunway Pyramid, Sunway Lagoon, Sunway Resort & Spa and bla..bla...
Sunway JB : To get there no toll
Sunway KL : Using NPE (New Pantai Expressway) = $3.20 + $3.20 = $6.40!!!! :() :,
To be honest, I am beginning to miss Sunway JB or am I?!
Friday, January 1, 2010
Dear Readers,
Does God Exist?
Do you believe in God?
I expect a lot of "NO" as answers after reading Subhash & Gurdave's Blog
For those who say NO, I want a reason.
HOLD IT, I am not against those who do not believe in God
(Atheist, Communist, Marxist, Capitalist, Sexist & bla bla bla)
Everyone has a view and I would Like to see theirs.
I am not a priest, preacher, religious extremist, terrorist & bla bla bla)
To understand ,we must know.
To know is To Question.
Therefore, QUESTION EVERYTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Does God Exist?
Do you believe in God?
I expect a lot of "NO" as answers after reading Subhash & Gurdave's Blog
For those who say NO, I want a reason.
HOLD IT, I am not against those who do not believe in God
(Atheist, Communist, Marxist, Capitalist, Sexist & bla bla bla)
Everyone has a view and I would Like to see theirs.
I am not a priest, preacher, religious extremist, terrorist & bla bla bla)
To understand ,we must know.
To know is To Question.
Therefore, QUESTION EVERYTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What is the BIG DEAL about KL?
There is something about KL I think everybody likes.
U know what, I am from KL!!!!! My IC no. is 910606-14-6163 (14=KL)
But I spent most of my live (15 years) in JB. I wonder wat life would be like in KL
Well tats what i am going to find out from 2010 onwards.
For most people in JB even me think KL is - a happening place
- has the best everything
(Gals, Guys, Clubs, College, Booze, Cars, etc)
The KL guy is finally in KL!!!!!!!!! Feels weird though.
U know why?
1) I do not know what to say when people ask me where I am from? Is it KL or JB?
..............................I think i will say JB
2) I do not know what to say when people ask which part of KL I live in!!!!!!!
What is the BIG DEAL about KL?
There is something about KL I think everybody likes.
U know what, I am from KL!!!!! My IC no. is 910606-14-6163 (14=KL)
But I spent most of my live (15 years) in JB. I wonder wat life would be like in KL
Well tats what i am going to find out from 2010 onwards.
For most people in JB even me think KL is - a happening place
- has the best everything
(Gals, Guys, Clubs, College, Booze, Cars, etc)
The KL guy is finally in KL!!!!!!!!! Feels weird though.
U know why?
1) I do not know what to say when people ask me where I am from? Is it KL or JB?
..............................I think i will say JB
2) I do not know what to say when people ask which part of KL I live in!!!!!!!
The 1st Day of The Year
Yo wazz up !!!!!
I am in KL now and will be here until the end of ACCA or the end of time.
KL is not as hot as Melaka. Kinda nice actually.
I am staying in my Aunt's house now which is in Taman Seputeh.
Has anyone heard of this place cuz it is kinda isolated.
Behind the house is a frikin jungle!!!
GPS gadget does not identify the street my house is in.
I am in KL now and will be here until the end of ACCA or the end of time.
KL is not as hot as Melaka. Kinda nice actually.
I am staying in my Aunt's house now which is in Taman Seputeh.
Has anyone heard of this place cuz it is kinda isolated.
Behind the house is a frikin jungle!!!
GPS gadget does not identify the street my house is in.
New Year Resolutions
New Year = new chance
YES people, for this new year lets improve ourselves (humanity)
Well 2 more years it will be 2012.
OMG!!!!!!!!! WTF!!!!!!!!!!!!! 2012!!!!!!!!!!!!! F@#K (2012 = THE END)
Actually it is not, cuz it is us (humans) who call the shots

This is a picture from the Lost Book of Nostradamus
The dude with the beard = We have the power to write our future = We shape our own destiny
The 2 ladies = Fates ( Character from Greek Mythology)
YES people, for this new year lets improve ourselves (humanity)
Well 2 more years it will be 2012.
OMG!!!!!!!!! WTF!!!!!!!!!!!!! 2012!!!!!!!!!!!!! F@#K (2012 = THE END)
Actually it is not, cuz it is us (humans) who call the shots

This is a picture from the Lost Book of Nostradamus
The dude with the beard = We have the power to write our future = We shape our own destiny
The 2 ladies = Fates ( Character from Greek Mythology)
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