Friday, January 1, 2010


Dear Readers,

Does God Exist?

Do you believe in God?

I expect a lot of "NO" as answers after reading Subhash & Gurdave's Blog

For those who say NO, I want a reason.

HOLD IT, I am not against those who do not believe in God
(Atheist, Communist, Marxist, Capitalist, Sexist & bla bla bla)

Everyone has a view and I would Like to see theirs.

I am not a priest, preacher, religious extremist, terrorist & bla bla bla)

To understand ,we must know.
To know is To Question.
Therefore, QUESTION EVERYTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Does God Exist?
    If I were to tell you that there's something orbiting the sun, and this something was undetectable and unfathomable. Does that automatically mean it has to exist? Maybe I've just made something exist by saying there's no way to prove it doesn't, right?

    That first paragraph isn't why I don't believe in God, it's why I don't think there's a way to prove God exists, because if you replace the word "God" with unicorn, leprechaun, Loch Ness monster, it's still unprovable.

    I understand the approach a lot of intelligent people have on the subject of God. It's somewhere in between being curious and humble, so you don't make anyone or any God angry while seeking knowledge. Before you begin questioning everything, you must first believe nothing, so that your curiosity is relatively unbiased.(so that you don't end up bending facts to make a belief or theory look plausible.)

    Back to the subject at hand.

    Any person who has a some experience with science can understand that we do share an ancestral heritage with chimps. We're one of the great apes(chimps, orangutans, gorillas, humans). People may bring up the fact that the other great apes have 48 chromosomes while we have 46, but a recent discovery has proved that a pair of em fused, which is pretty amazing considering no one mentions the great amount of work put in by scientists while the pope gets recognition for doing the easiest job on the planet.

    If God exists, why weren't we 'created' like in most religious stories? We were evolved. Technically, we weren't created in God's image, we created God in our image. Think about it, every God/alien depicted is just a distorted human. Hindu Gods are usually multi-limbed, off-colored humans or humans with animal parts. Nothing very God-like. It feels more like a story that's been imagined.

    Most believers would say that humans get their morals from religion/god. I beg to differ, you've known me half your life, so you probably know I'm not some evil dickhead just because I'm an atheist. To some extent, animals have their own morals. Apes practice the "I scratch your back, you scratch mine" policy both literally and metaphorically. Even a tame dog will act kindly when trained, but when wild it has to be hostile to survive. Don't you wonder what a human may end up like if he/she survived alone in the wild?

    So if God is worshiped by SO MANY around the world in every culture, then it has to mean something right?

    Maybe, but let me show you what it might mean.

    Ask your parents or any adult who grew up outside a city about how moths fly into candles. They do.

    You see, moths(or certain species of moths, if I'm not mistaken) have developed a way to navigate at night by referring to the light reflected from the moon. When an unnatural source of light(like candle light) is introduce, they fall in a spiral motion into it. It's sad, and looks like suicide from a human's point of view. One may even ask why they haven't evolved out of that sort of behavior.

    In truth, like I just mentioned, it's a by-product of the moon-navigation, which is pretty useful outside the fact that it kills em off.

    In the case of the human being, well, we have this ability to be self aware(which is present in other intelligent mammals as well, but not as evolved), and to be cognitive. Perhaps this feeling that 'there must be a God' is a by-product of that self-awareness that is very useful in other ways.

    There are a billion other reasons why I am 99% sure that God doesn't exist. But it would be more constructive if it was one question-one answer, otherwise half the words here don't get read.
