Friday, February 5, 2010

Avatar & Legion

For this year so far I have watched 2 movies.

The 1st would be Avatar.
What can I say?

Well, it was a nice movie. REALLY well done.
The story kinda tells us about human nature i.e.
(i) their total disregard for nature
(ii) crazy about finding a source of energy
(iii) killing no matter what gets in their pathway to dominance

The only thing I find to be TOTAL BS/ does not make sense is :-
Come on, finding a planet able to sustain life & travel to it in 2154!
That kinda stuff might only be possible in 3154!!!!

The 2nd movie would be Legion.

It was kinda short yet thrilling & exciting.
However at the end it makes you wanna say, "WTF"?!
This movie however does raise an interesting question.
People lose faith in God. That happens most of the time, right?
What if God loses faith in people?
Now thats what I am talking about.

However, I believe that God will never lose faith in humanity.
HE might test us from time to time though.
I wonder what the atheist & polyatheist think about this?

1 comment:

  1. avatar was total shit. why do aliens look like discoloured, distorted human beings instead of looking genuinely ALIEN?

    And I think the whole "god loosing faith in humanity" is a lousy thing to say. It's like worrying about "Santa Claus loosing interest in Christmas". God and Santa don't exist. Please wake up from childish fantasies.
