Friday, February 5, 2010


What is Egalitarianism?

Well, it simply means Equality.

All the people around the world really want to see a egalitarian utopia.

However, it is not easy to achieve such a status. Especially in a country where there are
multiracial societies as well as minorities and majorities.

Equality in Malaysia is mentioned in the Federal Constitution under Article 8.
Then there is Article 153 which has resulted in a lot of criticism against equality in Malaysia.

Well, equality is not just a problem in Malaysia but many other countries around this world.
This is because we as humans are never the same although we are the same species i.e. Homo Sapiens.

There is always some difference. I will try to list a few:-

1) Religion
2) Ethnicity /Race
3) Skin Colour
4) Political Ideology
5) Economical Ideology

If you read Wikipedia it says that countries such as Sweden, Finland and Japan scored highly in social wellbeing and equality indices.

Come on! Look at their population. There is rarely even about 5% of the citizens who are immigrants from other countries. No wonder equality so readily exist.

But look at United States. The population consist of a substantial amount of immigrants from many foreign countries. In addition the Sept 11 incident has made matters worse in U.S.

Achieving equality will take a long time through education and understanding.

If you want to see an egalitarian utopia around this region then look at Singapore.

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