Seems that the accident I witnessed in the late Sunday evening was VERY serious.
12 people died, 40 injured.
If I had left Malacca 1 hour earlier, I would have seen & maybe even inv........
never mind about that. (Touch wood)
They said the bus was speeding fast & to make matters worse it was an Indian dude
behind the wheel of the bus which caused the entire accident.
The poor guy was in the "limelight" for the wrong reason.
Can't blame that guy. Come on, their schedules are packed & they are delayed in bus stations. They have to speed up to go according to their schedule.....I guess.
I then started to make crazy scenarios.
One of 'em was to put myself in that position.
Imagine being in a bus which has impacted at high speed & turned over.
I am lying in a cramped up position & all messed up. The pain is unimaginable.
I think to myself, today is my last day.
Moments of my life flash before my eyes, then everything whites out.
I wake up in a white space & hear a voice, which asks
How did you feel when you knew today was your last day ?
Well, happy and kinda sad at the same time.
Happy because :-
1) I was able to go back & see my parents & have a good time.
2) I was able to enjoy playing old games with my new graphic cards.
3) I defeated 2 Chaos enemy armies using The Inquisition, in the name of the EMPEROR (using Inquisition Mod for Dawn of War:Dark Crusade)
Sad because :-
1) I was not able to play Call of Duty 4 : Modern Warfare 2.
2) I did not complete ACCA.
3) Did not take the time to LOVE.
Then suddenly it blacks out, on my HUD it displays :-
Mission Incomplete........Reboot
GASP* I suddenly wake up in a hospital. I see a doctor with a defibrillator.
I am alive !
Mmmmmmmmm......what a crazy scenario eh ?
Just shows how valuable life is.
Finally I get the saying "Live Every Day As If It Were Your Last".
Well, sadly & honestly I cannot do that.
I am an ACCA student.
ACCA = hell/ shit hole( according to 1 of my lecturers & I agree 100%)
ACCA = NO freedom (semester break = 2 weeks)
ACCA is the only course with the SHORTEST holiday !!!!!!!!!!
Do you remember the final lines in The Dark Knight ?
If you don't, they sound something like this :-
James Gordon Jr.: Why's he running, Dad?
Lt. James Gordon: Because we have to chase him.
James Gordon Jr.: He didn't do anything wrong.
Lt. James Gordon: Because he's the hero Gotham deserves, but not the one it needs right now. So we'll hunt him because he can take it. Because he's not our hero. He's a silent guardian, a watchful protector. A dark knight.

Now imagine asking me something like this later on when I am a qualified accountant regarding students doing the short-cut ACCA course:
You : Why the heck do this ACCA students have no life & study 24/7?
Me : Because they have to, it is the fate they choose.
You : They didn't do anything wrong then.
Me : Because they are accountants Malaysia deserves, but not the ones it
needs right now. So ACCA we'll hunt them down because they can take it.
( I hope so )
Because they are not accountants.
They 're - silent guardians (making sure the books balance),
- watchful protectors ( auditors who try to catch fraudsters).
They're - CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS !!!!!!!!!!!!

LOL !!!!!!!!!!!!!! HA ! HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA !
Come on, you gotta laugh about your carrier once in a while !
Why so serious ?

Cheers, have a good day !